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I have a BRCA1 gene variant.

Now what?

At age 61, I learned I have a BRCA1 gene mutation, which means I have a very high risk of getting breast, ovarian, and other cancers. I decided to create this website/blog for several reasons:

  • To keep track of everything I'm learning and how I feel about it -- an online journal and medical record

  • To share my experience with family and friends who want to know how I am doing and what decisions I've made...and why

  • To help others who are going through a similar BRCA journey so they can benefit from what I've already learned


I am a very open person. I will be writing in ways that some will feel is "TMI" (too much information). If this describes you, I invite you to stop following this blog! Feel free to contact me via email, Facebook, or phone instead.



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By the way, those photos you see above are from my Instagram feed!




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